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Once you've registered and signed up to use Grant Express™, you will be directed to a section for "onboarding" where you will be asked to input your basic organizational information such as name, address, phone, email, organization mission, etc. This is important and called "Onboarding" because you only do it ONCE and then Grant Express™ has it automatically available for use for multiple applications whenever you work on one.

Onboarding is comprised of four sections: Organization Info, Leadership, Financial and Overview. It is the basic organization information that will be used again and again. It's really easy to complete; short and intuitive. Simply click the tabs on the left of that area to move between the four sections with ease.

Yes. You bet you can change any of this information at any time. If you have staff, email, phone, Board or any other information you want to change, a simple click allows you to edit your organization information.

Grant Express™ is here to help ease the frustration in completing grant applications.  We use Grant Express™ AI to automatically help answer questions and assist with custom answers. 

That’s right...test it for free! Try it and see how easy it is to use and how it truly will help speed your grant application process. You’re going to love it!  Visit Sign-up page and you're all set.  Enjoy!

Glad you asked.  A Token is a digital measurement used with Artificial Intelligence.  When you are filling out an application, your answers use tokens to activate and assist your individual functions.  A small grant application might take between 5,000 to 12,000.

No, the monthly tokens provided with your subscription plan do not rollover into the next month. It's a use-it-or-lose-it system, and any unused tokens at the end of the billing cycle will not carry over to the next month.

If you find yourself in need of additional tokens beyond your monthly allocation, you have the option to purchase token reloads. The good news is that token reload purchases do rollover and do not expire. So, any unused tokens from reload purchases will remain available for your use in subsequent months.

Yes, you can purchase token reloads at any time during your subscription. They are a flexible way to ensure you have the necessary tokens to meet your needs, especially if your usage varies from month to month.

No, tokens obtained through reload purchases do not expire. They remain available for your use until you consume them, providing you with the flexibility to manage your token usage according to your preferences and project requirements.

Absolutely!  Depending on your selected account plan or Free plan, you can generally add 50,000 tokens for larger applications or if you need more tokens to complete several applications.

Yes.  You decide which plan works best for you.  You can always use the free account and simply buy additional tokens when needed. Or you can select the Basic or Pro plan that provides more monthly or annual discounts.  You pick!

We're here to help.  We provide several different support options.  You pick what best works for you.

Our FAQ page contains many answers to your questions and "How To" instructions on the Support page.

If you need further information, you can reach us via email [email protected] or other information on the Contact Us page.

We will miss you if your decide to cancel but yes, you can cancel anytime.  If you're on a monthly or annual plan, upon cancelling your account, all data and any other materials will be deleted.  Once deleted, they cannot be restored.  Also, any unused tokens are non-refundable and non-transferable as well as any service fees.  As always, we appreciate being able to help non-profits with important and quick grant application assistance.   We wish all the very best.

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